The Romance Of Diamonds
By: Vanscoy Diamonds
Throughout recent history, diamonds have become the definitive symbol of love and romance. Of course, diamond engagement rings top the list of romantically symbolic jewelry but the romance of diamonds is certainly not limited to diamond engagement rings alone. While diamond engagement rings symbolize the ultimate love, there are many more styles of jewelry that have become equally meaningful.
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Diamond Eternity Rings[/caption]
From the beginning of life, we search for the love that will last a lifetime and, as that search progresses, diamond jewelry often becomes a big part of expressing our romantic feelings for another. As teenagers, often a diamond promise ring is the symbol of a future together without the premature commitment of marriage. While more often than not, a promise ring doesn't precede a commitment to marriage, the gift of promise rings continues to thrill young girls and fill their hearts with love and romantic dreams. In many a woman's jewelry box, although never worn again, sits a promise ring representative of her first youthful, puppy love.
While most women only receive one diamond engagement ring in their lives, the prospect of romantically symbolic jewelry is not over. There are literally hundreds of pieces that will display the romance is still alive. Diamond anniversary rings are a very popular gift for women as the years go by that will show your wife just how important she is to you, even with kids, careers and all the distractions that go with family life. Often, anniversary bands can be created to perfectly complement her diamond engagement ring or be worn as an individual piece.
An extremely popular romantic gift for the jewelry loving woman is a diamond eternity ring. Designed to symbolize the continued love shared by a committed couple, the ring contains a continuous line of diamonds encompassing the full circle of the ring. Again, often an eternity ring can bring the sparkle of diamond engagement rings to a new level.
Diamond rings are not the only style of jewelry that can clearly show your loved one that they are the most important person in your life. The basics, such as diamond earrings, diamond pendants and the always pleasing diamond tennis bracelet will always bring romance to her heart and mind. If you wish to keep the romance alive, long past the day you slipped that diamond engagement ring on her finger, remember, while diamonds may not be a girl's best friend, they are certainly a reminder of the love you have for her...the love of your life.