Start A Tradition This Holiday Season
By: Vanscoy Diamonds
She's just turning twelve. What an amazing and exciting time in a young girl's life. You know the time has come to start treating her a little more grown up despite your heart's desire that she stay a baby forever. It's hard but that time has come. This holiday season, begin a tradition that will last for generations by giving her the first fine jewelry she's received since your mother gave her a gold baby ring a dozen years ago.
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Martini set diamond earrings[/caption]
The options for teen jewelry are nearly endless. The choices for your precious daughter begin with her personality. You don't want to foo-foo a tomboy with “girly-girl” jewelry any more than you would force her to wear lace, and vice versa. For that tomboy of yours, many jewelers offer Pandora bracelets and charm bracelets with a huge array of beads and charms that will represent the young adult that your daughter is becoming. Not to mention, a Pandora or charm bracelet will provide gift giving ideas for years to come. As your beloved young daughter's interest’s change from playing football with the neighborhood boys to hoping for the perfect date for prom, the beads and charms you give can reflect the growth she's going through.
If a charm bracelet doesn't quite fit her style, a first pair of diamond earrings is sure to please. There is not a young woman on the planet that can have enough diamonds! Even at twelve years old, your offspring will be thrilled at the gift of diamonds, but be careful not to set the bar too high if you intend to add to her jewelry collection on birthdays and holidays as she becomes an adult. Keep in mind that there is a child just below the surface of that young woman in front of you.
The best idea to begin a tradition for your daughter is to visit your local jeweler and shop the teen jewelry that is offered there. You will be surprised at the variety, affordability and the value of making an investment in fine jewelry instead of simply giving the first thing that comes to mind. She gave up dolls a year or more ago, video games grow old quickly and her affinity for playing football is fading before your eyes. It may be time to admit your little girl is growing up. The time has come to give her a gift that shows her you've noticed.