Shopping For Anniversary Diamonds
By: Vanscoy Diamonds
My fifteenth wedding anniversary is coming up shortly this year, and I know there are a couple of different lists that tell me what the theme for this year’s gift should be, but for me, there is only one gift that works. I figured since it all started with a diamond engagement ring, then on these milestone years, I should keep it going with a piece of special diamond anniversary jewelry. The only problem is: what kind?
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Anniversary Jewelry at Vanscoy Diamonds, as Shown Diamond Ring[/caption]
You see, I bought her a diamond necklace on the day we were married, diamond earrings on our fifth anniversary and a diamond anniversary band on our tenth. I don’t want to repeat myself, and she takes such good care of her jewelry that nothing I bought her already is in any need of being replaced, so I was kind of at my wits end, until I saw an article in the newspaper about a large watch festival held in Switzerland, and it got me to thinking.
So few people wear watches anymore because, in a way, they are unnecessary. Everything that a watch could tell us, even the most advanced models that detect barometric pressure, can be duplicated by a smart phone. As a piece of jewelry that was always first about function and then form, fashion watches fell out of favor and most people, me included, stopped thinking about them.
When I read this article and saw what the watch makers were still making, it made me realize how special a diamond fashion watch would be as a gift. It certainly would make for a unique present, it would include the diamonds that are important to me as being part of the gift, and it would have the added symbolism of time…the time we’ve spent together and all the time we still have.
The watches I have found now have balanced form with function, and the problem has gone from deciding what kind of gift to get her to which watch will be the right one. There are so many elegant models to choose from, I’m having a hard time deciding. Luckily, time is running out until our anniversary, so I’ll have to make a decision soon, and I know that any one I give her will be perfect.