If you are a lover of fine comedy, you may have heard of “The Pink Panther” – either the 1963 series or the gaggle of films that followed, with the most recent being released in the 2000’s and starring Steve Martin. The premise revolves aroun..
Diamonds are the most incredible of all natural gemstones, and the industry has been booming for decades. There is no end to mankind’s love of diamonds, whether they are set into scepters, encrusted into sword handles, or delicately accenting an en..
The history of Victorian hair jewelry is a fascinating chapter, particularly as it pertains to the United States and post-Civil War culture. Hair was fashioned into thick braids used for necklaces, bracelets and even brooches. Particularly in the Uni..
Engagement trends have been eclectic in the last few decades, bravely pushing forward into more public and exciting trends. While not everyone goes for the extravagant pageantry some engagements strive for – after all, there is a lot of power in si..
Rings have always been a symbol of love, and, for a while, of ownership. The tradition of engagement and wedding rings dates back hundreds of years, presenting differently depending on different cultural backgrounds. Still, the enduring practice of s..
The 4 C’s of diamond grading are a specific assessment scale used in order to determine the overall quality and monetary value of a diamond. Whether the diamond is large, small, set into a jewelry piece or loose, it is still measured using the same..
Shopping for diamond engagement rings is a pretty specific reason to visit a jewelry store; shopping for any other purpose can be a bit trickier. With so many pieces of fine jewelry to choose from including diamond necklaces, diamond bracelets and ch..
When a person makes a major new purchase for their home, one of the first things they do – if they remember – is to call their insurance agent and add the purchase to the list of items covered by their homeowner’s insurance. This protects them ..
With so much going into preparing the proposal and planning the wedding, anything that can help take the stress away from a person’s life at that time would be a good thing. Shopping for diamond engagement rings is naturally going to be a stressful..
Diamonds are valuable for a number of different reasons, two of which are the purity of their color and the rarity of their existence. Rarer still is when those two elements come together and create naturally occurring colored diamonds. Accounting fo..