Having Designs On Your Engagement Ring
By: Vanscoy Diamonds
It’s no secret to say that many women - and not just a few men – have pretty specific ideas about what they imagine their wedding will be like. Most of those ideas can be made a reality, depending on how far a person is willing to go and how deep their pockets are, but one element that has always seemed to be off the table for most people is the diamond engagement ring. There are certainly plenty of styles and designs out there, so it is possible to find a ring that is very much like what she has always dreamt about, but now it is possible to get even closer.
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Harout R Diamond Engagement Ring[/caption]
I told my boyfriend that I saw our local jewelry store offered custom designed jewelry. At first he was a little put off. He said he wanted to pick the ring out himself and surprise me with it. I told him that I thought how sweet and romantic that was, and I knew he would do a great job of choosing, but I asked him just to look into it. How special would it be, I told him, to not only get me the perfect diamond engagement ring, but one that was completely unique in the world?
That piqued his interest and he went down to talk to the craftsperson. My boyfriend told him the type of ring he wanted to design, the size and shape of the diamonds and the budget he had to work with. The craftsperson got on his computer and in just a few minutes, had a drawing of exactly the ring he envisioned. When my boyfriend found out how affordable it was going to be, he even managed to add in a couple of other elements we had talked about but were afraid were going to cost too much.
When he surprised me a month later with the proposal, the ring was even more beautiful than I had imagined. I couldn’t help but think how special it was, and how special he was for making it for me. When he saw how happy the ring made me, he decided that we should also design our wedding bands as well.