Favorite Fall Jewelry Trends From Fashion Week 2016
By: Vanscoy Diamonds
As fashion week descends once more upon the iconic runways of the world, the magnificent jewelry trends of the fall season are introduced in a most dramatic style. And while straight-off-the runway fashion designs are very rarely practical for the average, every day, non-super model wardrobe, they most certainly do provide inspiration for the fashion trends of the season ahead. As for this fall’s jewelry trends, fashion week 2016 has given us lots of great style elements to play with, from bold and daring to fun and flirty, and every mood in between.
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Tassel style Pearl Earrings[/caption]
Tassel Jewelry
Fashion week 2016 saw the return of tassels in a variety of forms, from pendants to earrings to bracelet baubles. Long metallic tassel jewelry brings a touch of dramatic style that is both bold and elegant to any evening look. But the tassel jewelry trend can be taken in a whimsical direction as well, with bright colors, and even a bit of bohemian chic.
Stackable Jewelry
The stackable jewelry trend is perhaps the most versatile style element ever, and for that reason it is a favorite that should remain on-trend for a good many seasons to come. Stackable jewelry is primarily focused on rings and bracelets, and the basic rule of thumb (and fingers) is the more the merrier. Stack lots of rings on one finger. Stack lots of rings on lots of fingers. Pile on the bracelets. Mix and match colors and elements to your heart’s content. Anything goes, really, making stackable jewelry a super way to show off your own personal sense of style for any occasion, any look, any mood.
Layered Necklaces
Layered necklaces have been making a comeback throughout the 2016 fashion seasons, and this is a fun and versatile jewelry trend that continues to grow and evolve into ever more daring and enigmatic style statements. A perfect complement to stackable rings and bracelets, the layered necklace trend allows you to create a custom look that is uniquely your own and moves seamlessly from the boardroom to the ballroom and beyond.
Statement Earrings
While nothing will ever replace the timeless classic diamond stud earrings, bold statement earrings are a great addition to your jewelry wardrobe and a very hot trend in jewelry going into this fall and winter season. Think big. Think dramatic. Once again, anything goes with this fall fashion trend as far as elemental choices are concerned. For those with sensitive ears, however, choosing a lighter material is recommended.
Best advice for this fall’s jewelry fashion trends? Be bold. Be daring. Be yourself… and have some fun!