Your grandmother meant a lot to you. Before she passed away, you received a lovely diamond and gemstone pendant she wore on several special occasions. This is one of the most precious and valued pieces you have out of all the other jewelry pieces yo..
Jewelry Repair
When most of us think of summer, we think of a weekend at the lake or the beach, picnics in the park, summer vacations… Some of us think of the number that the humidity is going to do on our hair, but we’ve got ways of managing that. Sort of...
She meant the world to you. When your grandmother passed, you inherited the lovely diamond and gemstone brooch she wore to church each and every Sunday. Of all of your jewelry, it is the most valued piece you own and you would proudly wear it, but it..
As you struggle to decide on the perfect Valentine's Day gift for your loved one, think about this: Fine jewelry repair. What?? I hear you. It doesn't sound like a great idea right off the bat but let's examine that option just a little closer. [c..
When you buy a car, you buy insurance to protect your investment. When you buy a home, you buy insurance to protect your investment. When you buy fine jewelry, do you buy insurance to protect your investment? You should. While many fine jewelry buyer..
(Keeping fine diamond necklaces with jewelry care) I’m one of the luckiest people I know in so many ways, but the way that means most is my family has always stayed close. I know you can’t have multiple generations always together without some..
Something disappointing that happens to most people is when their favorite piece of jewelry breaks. When there is clothing that rips or is outgrown, it can be turned into rags or sold at a tag sale or donated to Goodwill. Jewelry is far too valuable ..
There are a few people out there who have the compulsion to keep everything they own in tip-top shape. Most of us don’t have the time, the energy or the focus to do that, and inevitably, glasses break, chairs get ripped and computers give us the bl..