Anniversary Rings: Bring Romance Back
By: Vanscoy Diamonds
You knew the minute you saw her in the movie theater ticket booth, all those years ago, that she was the one for you. Now all these years later, through four kids, a move half-way across the country for your career and so many bumps in the road, when you look at her, you see the same beautiful face that sold you that movie ticket so very long ago. You have no clue what the movie was but you went back again and again to see her, not the film. How, after all this time, can you show her that your feelings haven't changed one bit? Here is a thought: diamond anniversary rings.
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Choosing the perfect anniversary ring[/caption]
The diamond engagement ring you bought so long ago will gain new sparkle and pop with a complementary anniversary ring next to it and she will be reassured that you are still the romantic loony-toon you were in the beginning. Anniversary rings come in a large variety of styles, one of which is sure to be the right ring to bring a little fire and romance back to your relationship.
To make sure that the diamond anniversary ring you are thinking of is the ideal complement to the diamond engagement ring she's worn for all the years, it's wise to know the specifics of that engagement ring. There are many anniversary rings specifically designed to fit perfectly with solitaire diamond rings of a variety of diamond shapes. If the diamond is an emerald cut, a band created for a round or oval cut isn't going to match up properly. While she likely wears her engagement ring all of the time, you may have to be sneaky to get the right band. Reviewing the paperwork from the insurance appraisal should answer most of your questions and get you going in the right direction.
Once you've determined the style of her engagement ring, consult with a trusted jeweler to find the ideal anniversary ring to match. You'll have choices. Some diamond anniversary bands are completely encompassed with small diamonds, while some simply accent the engagement ring with just a few diamonds. You know your wife. You should know her style by now. Be sure to look over the choices of anniversary bands to find the one that will not only bring sparkle to her engagement ring, but spark up the romance you know is there.