5 Creative Ideas To Give Jewelry To Your Love
By: Vanscoy Diamonds
How wonderful it is to receive jewelry from the loved ones, especially if they are gifted in a thoughtful or surprising way.
Here are 5 creative ideas to gift jewelry to the woman you love. They are sure to light her eyes like a Christmas tree.
Decorate a Stuffed Animal
If it is a necklace, bracelet or earrings, put it on the stuffed animal, and tie a ribbon around it as a final touch.
Surprise Delivery
You can also send your friend or a delivery person to deliver flowers. But, Surprise, surprise! Put the jewelry for the love as a gift inside the flowers, or you may also tie it around the vase with a ribbon.
Scavenger Hunt
It is a wonderful way to propose her. Write clues that you know she will pick on quickly and take her around the house. Expand the search for the wedding ring or and wedding jewelry around the neighborhood or the city! It is only special if she will know the meaning of the clues and the places you have hidden them in.
Inside a Nut
it sure sounds silly, but it's an effective way of gifting small jewelry items. Carefully open a walnut, scoop out the contents, put some felt in for the base and nestle your jewelry inside. Close it up and wrap it with a ribbon for a truly creative idea to gift anniversary rings!
All these ideas are imaginative and different from the usual rock-in-a-box. You can also bring your own unique idea to Van Scoy Diamonds and we will help you execute the most romantic way of gifting jewelry for love. You can find us at Greensboro in North Carolina. They also have a wide range of wedding jewelry, wedding rings, anniversary rings that you gift.